#13 “Forward Thinking On Migration In Ukraine, A Gender-Focused Recovery And Labor Productivity”

#13 “Forward Thinking On Migration In Ukraine, A Gender-Focused Recovery And Labor Productivity”

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SPOTLIGHT: 2022 CTMS Seminar Series
Since last March, CTMS has been hosting two online seminar series focused on the issues of migration and inclusion: "Migration and Integration Seminar" and "Creating an Inclusive Society Seminar". The Center has carefully curated an inclusive list of expert guest speakers that tackle a variety of topics centered around pressing challenges.

The first four sessions of the "Migration and Integration Seminar" examined topics such as immigration policy and social inclusion and exclusion of migrants in South Korea. The seminars have attracted a large number of participants, reaching at least 50% of pre-registration numbers. From students and university faculty, to civil society and government agencies, the increasing audience shows strong interest in the challenges of migration. 

Moreover, the "Creating an Inclusive Society Seminar" has also managed to allure a broad audience interested in topics such as labor market and demographic change, economic transformation, elderly care and care farming. 

Conducted in both Korean and English, the seminars have shown positive engagement, which is expected to keep on increasing as they will continue through December of this year. 
Policy Brief | Labor and women: A gender-focused recovery
Gender equality in the workplace has deteriorated after the COVID-19 pandemic. Can a gender-focused recovery help women thrive again in the labor market?
▷ Build back better and fairer
Blog Talks | Ukraine's diaspora: what will we do?
Dr. Andriy Gaidutskiy presents the issues of forced migration in Ukraine as one of the consequences of Russian aggression in recent years. This blogs dives into the challenges of Ukrainian migrants and discusses ways in which South Korea can help.
▷ Address Ukraine's migration issue
Labor market and social welfare policies in East Asia under the pressure of socio demographic changes seminar
Prof. Jiyeoun Song examines the upcoming challenges in the labor market and social welfare policies in East Asia as the region faces a declining working age population, and increasing social welfare expenditures due to its fast aging population and low fertility rates.
▷ Understanding economic and social impacts
Join our mission today
Are you ready to lead change and improve gender equality and social inclusion? Discover our latest opportunities in program management, joint research, research support, partnership development, internships and more.
▷ Begin your journey with us
We invite you to our monthly seminars
This year, CTMS invites you to our monthly online seminar series on Migration and Integration and on Creating an Inclusive Society. We bring together academics, civil society representatives & field experts to discuss the most pressing migration issues South Korea and to gain perspectives and insights towards achieving sustainable, inclusive development. Please register today and join us to share your own insights and experiences. 
Copyright © 2021 Center for Transnational Migration and Social Inclusion, All rights reserved.

Seoul National University Graduate School of International Studies
Bldg. 140 Rm. 307, 1 Gwanak-ro, Gwanak-gu, Seoul 08826, Korea
T +82.2.880.9220 F +82.2.879.1496 E ctms.snu@gmail.com
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