Main Page Revamp2024-12-31T12:33:52+09:00


2024 INT’L CARE CONFERENCE PAGE | Since its establishment in 2019, CTMS has been at the forefront of global discussions on care-related issues.

By bringing together world-leading experts, CTMS has examined and proposed policy solutions for the latest global care challenges, with a focus on gender, migration, community, and digital technology.

For more details, visit the Conference Page.

Who We Are

The Center for Transnational Migration and Social Inclusion aims to build an inclusive society in the belief that no person should be discriminated based on social identities.

As an action-oriented research center, we network with academics, researchers, workers, civil society activists, and public servants to promote inclusion as social justice.

We look to develop recommendations for social and policy change based on empirical data on gender, migration, care, and social inequality.


Card News

Research Areas


블로그 최신글

CTMS Brief


Internship Opportunities

We run an internship program for students interested in social equality issues including care work, migration, refugees, gender and development. All interested students are welcome to apply.

Join Our Mailing List

By subscribing to our subscription service, you will receive useful information and news from the CTMS by email. The center will safely manage email addresses in accordance with the privacy policy. Please agree to the collection of your email information..

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