CTMS Brief
CTMS Brief
MIGRATION BRIEF, Looking into the Lives of Women Migrants in Korea during COVID-19 (2) Citation: Moon, H., Huh O. (2021). Looking into the Lives of Women Migrants in Korea during COVID-19 (2) Labor reality and countermeasures for Korean women residing in Korea with foreign nationality during the COVID-19 period CTMS. Language: Korean. Publishing Date: 2021.07 2021.07.22 -
CTMS WEEKLY BRIEF, "An Article for this Day and Age" Empathy Pours Out Over the Center's COVID Caregiving Research Report. Citation: Jeenam Kang, 이윤태, Jiweon Jun (2021). Center for Transnational Migration and Social Inclusion. "An Article for this Day and Age" Empathy Pours Out over the Center's COVID Caregiving Research Report. CTMS WEEKLY BRIEF. Language: Korean. Publication Date: 2021. 04. 30 2021.06.26 -
CTMS WEEKLY BRIEF, The value of 'Face-to-face Caregiving' in the Contact-free Era Citation: Jeenam Kang, Hyuna Moon (2021). Center for Transnational Migration and Social Inclusion. The Value of 'Face-to-face Caregiving' in the Contact-free Era. CTMS WEEKLY BRIEF. Language: Korean. Publication Date: 2021. 06. 04 2021.06.26 -
"Are you doing everything because you're a mother?" Shall We Change the Caregiving Paradigm? Citation: Jeenam Kang, Jiweon Jun (2021) "Are you doing everything because you're a mother?" Shall We Change the Caregiving Paradigm? CTMS WEEKLY BRIEF. Language: Korean. Publication Date: 2021. 05. 28 2021.06.26 -
MIGRATION BRIEF, Looking into the Lives of Women Migrants in Korea during COVID-19 (1) Citation: Moon, H., Huh O. (2021). Looking into the Lives of Women Migrants in Korea during COVID-19 (1) The reality of discrimination against migrants in the era of COVID-19. CTMS. Language: Korean. Publishing Date: 2021.07 2021.05.21 -
CTMS WEEKLY BRIEF, Towards Social Care, and into the Family 2021Jeenam Kang, Hyuna Moon, Seung-Eun ChaCitation Citation: Center for Transnational Migration and Social Inclusion (2021). Towards Social Care, and into the Family (사회적 돌봄을 향해, 가족 속으로). CTMS Weekly BriefLanguage KoreanPublication Date 2021. 04. 30 2021.05.21 -
Childcare during Covid-19 and Mental Health Crisis for Parents Citation: Eunhye Kang, Nayoung Yoon (2021) Center for Transnational Migration and Social Inclusion. Childcare during Covid-19 and Mental Health Crisis for Parents (코로나19 시대의 자녀돌봄과 부모의 정신건강 위기). Issue Brief Series on Impact of Covid-19 on Care. Language: Korean. Publication Date: 2021. 02 2021.05.21 -
South Korea’s Covid-19 Response and Migrants: A Korean NGO’s Project to Support Victims of COVID-19 among Migrants Citation: Jaein Seol, Hye Jung Kim (2020) Women Migrants Human Rights Center of Korea & Center for Transnational Migration and Social Inclusion (2020). A Korean NGO’s Project to Support Victims of COVID-19 among Migrants (한국 NGO의 코로나19 피해 이주민 지원 사업). Issue Brief Series on South Korea’s Covid-19 Response and Migrants.Language KoreanPublication Date 2020. 12 2021.05.21