


Aging Societies and Care Economy :
Gender, Transnational Migration, and Development


Kyungmin Kim
Professor of Child Development & Family Studies, Seoul National University

Kyungmin Kim,PhD, is an Assistant Professor of Child Development and Family Studies and Associate Director of Advanced CEO Program for Well-Aging & Senior Business (AWASB) at Seoul National University. She is serving as Associate Editor in Research on Aging, and she is also in the Editorial Board of Journal of Marriage and Family, Journal of Aging & Mental Health, and Journal of Aging & Social Policy. Her research centers on intergenerational relations in later life, family caregiving, temporal dynamics of intergenerational relations, and cultural contexts contributing to variations in family ties. Currently, she is working on NIA-funded projects on dementia and family caregiving.

Young Ock Kim
Non-Executive Director, Korea Employment Welfare Pension Institute

한국고용복지연금연구원의 비상임 이사이다. 한국여성정책연구원에서 노동시장 연구를 오랫동안 수행하였고, 최저임금위원회 및 중앙노동위원회의 공익위원으로도 활동하였다. 2017-2021년에 걸쳐 4년간 진행된 돌봄노동과 경제(Care Work and the Economy)국제 프로젝트에 참여하면서 “한국돌봄정책이 가야 할 길” 글을 발표하는 등 코로나19 이후 돌봄 중심의 한국 사회를 어떻게 건설할지에 대해 관심을 갖고 있다. 얼마 전 오스트리아 잘츠부르크에서 열린 “Health and Economic Wellbeing” 세미나에 참여하여 돌봄경제에 대한 경험을 공유하였다.

Taekyoon Kim
Professor of International Development, Seoul National University Graduate School of International Studies

Kim Taekyoon is Professor of International Development at the Graduate School of International Studies, Seoul National University (SNU). Prior to SNU, he was assistant professor of Ewha Womans University and Waseda University. He received a B.A. in Sociology and a M.A. in International Studies from SNU, a M.Phil in International Relations and a D.Phil in Social Policy from the University of Oxford, and another Ph.D. in International Relations from the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS). He is currently working for the Korea International Cooperation Agency as an Executive Director, the National Committee on Sustainable Development as a Board Member, the Committee for International Development Cooperation at the Prime Minister’s Office as a Board Member, etc. He also worked for UNESCO as a consultant, UNRISD as collaborative researcher, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars as Fulbright fellow, and Tübingen University and University of Paris IV as visiting professors. His main research areas include international development, international political sociology, peace studies, global South studies, and global governance. He has published various scholarly journal articles and books.

Hyun Mee Kim
Professor of Cultural Anthropology, Yonsei University; President, Korean Association of Women’s Studies

Hyun Mee Kim is a Professor of Cultural Anthropology at Yonsei University, South Korea. Her research interests include the political economy of gender, globalization, and migration, and eco-feminism. She is the author of Cultural Translation in a Global Era (2005, in Korean) and We always leave home: Becoming migrants in South Korea (2014, in Korean), and Feminist Lifestyle (2021 in Korean). She also co-edited Multiculturalism in East Asia: A transnational exploration of Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan (with Koichi Iwabuchi and Hsiao-Chuan Hsia, 2016)

Kyounghee Moon
Professor of International Relations, Changwon National University

창원대학교 국제관계학과 교수. 2005년 호주국립대학교(The Australian National University)에서 국제관계학 박사 학위를 취득했다. 부산대 여성연구소와 숙명여대 아시아여성연구소 연구원, 충남여성정책개발원 인력개발팀장 등을 지냈으며, 국무총리실 산하 경제·인문사회연구회 선임이사, 경상남도 지방재정심의위원회 위원 등으로 활동했다. 최근 국제관계학 분야에서 국제이주, 시각 정치 등의 프로젝트를 젠더 관점에서 진행하고 있다. 저서로는 『경계를 넘는 한인들: 이주, 젠더, 세대와 귀속의 정치』(2021, 공저), 『공공외교 이론과 사례』(2020, 공저), 『다문화주의와 페미니즘』(2017, 공저) 등이 있다.

Hyuna Moon
Senior Research Fellow, Center for Transnational Migration and Social Inclusion (CTMS)

정치학으로 박사 학위를 받은 이후 페미니즘 연구로 관심을 확대해 인권 운동, 젠더 쟁점, 시민사회 운동을 경험하며 이론과 실천에 대한 고민을 이어가고 있다. 최근에는 돌봄과 이주 쟁점을 중심으로 연구하고 있다. 덧붙여 건강, 기후변화 등에 대한 관심과 의미 있는 사회변화로 연결될 다학문적 연구를 진행 중이다. 주요 저서로 『돌봄노동자는 누가 돌봐주나』(공저), 『페미니즘의 개념들』(공저), 『공감대화』(공저) 등이 있다. 역서로 『커밍업 쇼트』(공역), 『자본주의의 병적 징후들』(공역), 『경계없는 페미니즘』 등이 있다.

Tae-Gyun Park
Professor of Korean Studies & Former Dean, Seoul National University Graduate School of International Studies

2000년부터 서울대학교 국제대학원에서 교수로 재직하고 있으며 2022년 상반기까지 국제대학원 원장을 맡은 바 있다. 서울대학교 통일평화연구원 출판자료실장, 규장각한국학연구원 국제한국학센터 소장, 국제대학원 부원장, 서울대학교 대학신문사 주간을 역임했으며, 통일부 정책자문위원, 외교부 산하기관 감사위원, 민주평통 상임위원, 대통령직속 정책기획위원회 미래전략연구단장 등으로 활동했다. 문재인 정부의 2050 미래비전 작업에 참여하여 미래의 건강과 복지에 대한 비전을 만드는데 참여하였다. “한국전쟁”, “베트남 전쟁” 등 다수의 저서가 있다. 현재 중앙일보와 한겨레신문에 기명칼럼을 기고하고 있다.

Jooyeoun Suh
Research Associate, Centre for Time Use Research, University College London, UK

Jooyeoun Suh is a research associate at the Centre for Time Use Research (CTUR) at University College London, UK. Her research interests focus on measurement and valuation issues regarding unpaid family care and building satellite accounts that add the value of care work to national accounting systems. She received her doctorate in economics from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. In the past, she worked at AARP, the Institute for Women’s Policy Research, and American University, Washington D.C. in the U.S.

Ki-Soo Eun
Professor of Sociology and Demography, Seoul National University Graduate School of International Studies; Director, Center for Transnational Migration and Social Inclusion (CTMS)

Ki-Soo Eun is a Professor of Sociology and Demography and Director of Center for Transnational Migration and Social Inclusion at the Graduate School ofInternational Studies, Seoul National University. He received his MA in demography and Ph.D. in sociology from the University of Pennsylvania. His research interests include: low fertility and aging, family history, family values, transnational migration, care and care work, time use study and quantitative method. Prof. Eun has led the Comparative Asian Family Survey (CAFS) project together with Prof. Emiko Ochiai of Kyoto University in Japan, which conducted family surveys in Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, India, Qatar and Turkey. Since 2017, he has been engaged in an international project on the care economy (CWE-GAM project), representing the Korean team. He is in charge of the KOICA Gender and Development Program at GSIS as the Program Manager. Prof. Eun is also an expert on time use research with publications and articles on work-life balance, time poverty, study time, and sleep. He leads comparative studies on time use across countries. Prof. Eun currently serves as Vice President of the International Association for Time Use Research and is also the founder and current President of the Korean Association for Time Studies. He is the former President of the Population Association of Korea and the Korean Social History Association, as well as Vice President of the Korean Family Studies Association. Prof. Eun is a member of the Presidential Committee on Aging Society and Population Policy (PCASPP) in Korea.

Hyun-Jae Lee
Professor, University of Seoul; Vice President, Korean Association of Women’s Studies

여성철학의 전문가로서, 인정이론의 토대 위에서 타자를 배제하지 않는 여성주의적 정체성 개념을 재구성하는 일에 몰두해 왔다. 최근에는 도시화 및 지구화와 더불어 새롭게 나타나는 성적 실천 및 성규범을 분석하는 데 초점을 맞추고 있다. 특히 최근의 논문 「매춘의 도시지리학과 공간생산을 위한 투쟁」에서는 근대국가의 성규범에 의해 도시 공간이 어떻게 배치되었는가를 분석하고 나아가 매춘이라는 성적 실천을 통해 이러한 공간분할의 규칙이 어떻게 교란되었는가를 연구하였다.

Jiweon Jun
Senior Research Fellow, Center for Transnational Migration and Social Inclusion (CTMS)

Jiweon Jun is a Senior Research Fellow at the Center for Transnational Migration and Social Inclusion (CTMS), Graduate School of International Studies, Seoul National University. Jiweon has been collecting and analysing empirical data on care work including <2018 Care Work in Korea> survey and <2020, 2021 Covid-19 and Childcare> survey, focusing on the care burden of family caregivers and how care responsibilities are shared. Her research interests include: understanding the nature of care work; the structure of care work and inequalities among care workers; well-being in late life; work-life balance; low fertility and population ageing; changing patterns of time use across the life course; and multidimensional index. She was a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow with the Centre for Global Social Policy, University of Toronto and with the Centre for Time Use Research (CTUR), University of Oxford. She received her B.A. in Anthropology from Seoul National University, and her M.Sc. and D.Phil. in Sociology from the University of Oxford.

Seung-Eun Cha
Professor of Child & Family Welfare, University of Suwon

현재 수원대학교 아동가족복지학과에 재직 중이며, 경기도사회적경제위원, 서울대학교 국제이주와포용사회센터 운영위원, 한국가족학회 편집위원 등으로 활동하고 있다. 중고령자의 생애과정, 젠더, 건강, 생활시간에 대한 주제로 연구를 진행해 왔는데 최근에는 시간압박, 돌봄문제에서 시간활용 문제, 아동과 노인을 돌보는 가족돌봄자에 관한 연구를 집중적으로 수행하고 있다.

Seonghyun Cheon
Head, Corporate Citizenship Office, POSCO

산업·조직심리 석사/박사를 수료한 뒤 2000년부터 11년 동안 PwC컨설팅 인사조직 수석컨설턴트, Deloitte 컨설팅 Human Consulting 이사, LG경제연구원 인사조직실 연구위원, AT Kearney Associate Partner 등을 역임한 인사 컨설팅 전문가이다. 이후 포스코그룹에서 POSRI 수석연구원과 포스코 인재경영실 HR전략그룹장을 두루 거쳐, 2021년부터 포스코 기업시민실장으로서, 포스코의 경영이념인 ‘기업시민’을 문화화하고 확산하는 활동을 추진하여 회사의 이해관계자 중심 경영·ESG경영을 지원하고 있다. 저서로는 『HR 메가트렌드』가 있다.

Seori Choi
Senior Policy Researcher, Migration Research and Training Centre

Seori is a senior policy researcher at the Migration Research and Training Center (MRTC) based in Seoul, Korea. She has done extensive research on labor migration to Korea and served in an advisory role to national and local authorities in matters relating to migrant workers and their employers. Her research focus has been on establishing pathways and mechanisms for regular migration of workers at all skill levels.

Young Sug Heo
Representative, Women Migrants Human Rights Center of Korea

2007년부터 한국이주여성인권센터에서 활동하고 있으며, 실무책임자를 거쳐 2016년부터 대표로 일하고 있다. 『결혼이주여성의 본국 가족지원』(2013)을 썼으며, 한국이주여성인권센터에서 기획한 『아무도 몰랐던 이야기: 폭력 피해 여성들의 생존 분투기』(2018)와 『한국사회가 답하지 못한 것들: 이주여성의 귀환이후 한국사회가 답해야 할 것』 (2021)을 같이 썼다. 한국이주여성인권센터는 이주여성이 한국사회 구성원으로서 인간의 기본권리를 보장받고 당당히 설 수 있도록 돕는 비영리 민간단체로 2000년에 창립, 한국에서 처음으로 이주여성 쉼터를 만들고 운영하였다. 현재 3개의 이주여성 쉼터와 더불어 이주여성상담소와 이주여성교육훈련시설을 운영하며, 매년 1만 건 이상의 이주여성을 상담, 지원한다.

Otgontugs Banzragch
Professor of Economics, National University of Mongolia, Mongolia

Otgontugs Banzragch is Professor of Economics at National University of Mongolia. She received her Ph.D from Columbia University in the City of New York, and her M.A. from the University of Manchester in UK and her B.A. from Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov. She has held previous visiting appointments at Columbia university and American University in Washington, DC. Dr. Banzragch worked as a Vice-Dean and Dean at the National University of Mongolia for about 6 years and has recently taught graduate courses on Gender Economics and Economics of Education, and undergraduate courses on Introduction to Microeconomics and Microeconomics Analysis. Her research and publications are mainly in the area of economics of education, household consumption, poverty, inequality and gender bargaining power.

Marina Durano
Adviser on Care Economy and Partnership Engagement, UNI Global Union

Marina Durano is Adviser on Care Economy and Partnership Engagement at the UNI Global Union, which represents more than 20 million workers in the private services sector. Previously, she was a Senior Program Officer at the Open Society Foundations, where she managed a grant making portfolio that invested more than USD$15 million supporting women’s rights organizations, academic researchers, and labor unions to build care economies around the world. She has a long history in advocacy work in the United Nations raising gender issues in financing development, international trade policies, official development assistance, and global economic governance. She has a Ph.D in economics from the University of Manchester in the UK.

Maria Floro
Professor Emerita of Economics, American University, US

Maria S. Floro is Professor Emerita of Economics at American University in Washington, DC. She served as co-director of the Graduate Program on Gender Analysis in Economics (PGAE). Her publications include books on Informal Credit Markets and the New Institutional Economics, Women’s Work in the World Economy, and Gender, Development, and Globalization: Economics as if All People Mattered (co-authored) as well as monographs and journal articles on gender, vulnerability, informal employment, food security, care work, time use and well – being, and climate change. She led the Care Work and the Economy (www.careworkeconomy.org) project from 2017-2021. Currently, she serves as Advisor and co-Investigator of the Care Economies in Context Project and the Care Economy Africa Project.

Dileni Gunewardena
Professor of Economics, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka

Dileni Gunewardena is Professor of Economics (Chair) at the University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka and a Non-Resident Fellow at Verité Research. She has a doctorate from American University. Her research includes analysis of gender and ethnic wage gaps, child nutrition, poverty and economic valuations of unpaid work. She has been a Fulbright Scholar, a Brookings Institute Echidna Global Scholar, a visiting scholar at American University’s Programme in Gender Analysis in Economics, and has twice won Global Development Network awards. She has also consulted for the World Bank. She is a scientific mentor in Gender Analysis with the Partnership for Economic Policy (PEP) Research Network and a PEP research fellow. She leads the initiative to promote graduate teaching and research in Gender Economics at the University of Peradeniya, an initiative supported by OSF and American University.

Elizabeth King
Nonresident Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution, US

Elizabeth M. King is a Nonresident Senior Fellow of the Brookings Institution, Adjunct Professor of Georgetown University, Editor of the Journal of Development Effectiveness, and a board member of several global NGOs. She was the co-Principal Investigator of the Care Work and the Economy Project based in American University. She was also the World Bank’s senior manager, spokesperson, and professional head for global policy and strategic issues related to education and human development. Her latest book Human Capital and Gender Inequality in Low-Income Countries, co-authored with Dileni Gunewardena and published by Routledge, will be available in late 2022. She has a Ph.D. in Economics from Yale University.

Emiko Ochiai
Professor of Sociology, Kyoto University, Japan

Emiko Ochiai (落合恵美子) is a Japanese sociologist and is Professor of Sociology at Kyoto University, Japan. She is also the Director of Asian Research Center for the Intimate and Public Spheres (ARCIP) at Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University and the Director of Kyoto University Asian Studies Unit (KUASU). Her areas of interest are family and gender studies from historical and comparative perspectives. Her recent projects cover welfare state and migration to capture the simultaneous transformations in private lives and public institutions. She is the series editor of The Intimate and the Public in Asian and Global Perspectives from Brill.

Ito Peng
Professor of Sociology and Public Policy, University of Toronto, Canada

Ito Peng is a Canada Research Chair in Global Social Policy and the Director of the Centre for Global Social Policy at the Department of Sociology, and the Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy at the University of Toronto. She is an expert in global social policy, specializing in gender, migration and care policies, and the care economy. She has written extensively on social policies and political economy of care. She currently leads a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, and Open Society Foundations supported global partnership research project, Care Economies in Context: Towards Sustainable Social and Economic Development (2021-2028); and the Canada team of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund supported Comparing Child Care Initiatives in a World of Climate Change (C5) Project (2022-2023). For more information, see: https://munkschool.utoronto.ca/profile/peng-ito/ and http://cgsp.ca/.