#16 “2022 International Care Conference”

#16 “2022 International Care Conference”

/소식/뉴스레터/#16 “2022 International Care Conference”
2022 International Care Conference
Aging Societies and Care Economy:
Gender, Transnational Migration, and Development 
The Center for Transnational Migration and Social Inclusion, Seoul National University’s Graduate School of International Studies - KOICA Development Cooperation Policy Program, and the Korean Association of Women’s Studies are pleased to announce the 2022 International Care Conference to be held on November 16-17.

World-renowned experts will join this event to discuss the future of care economy through the lenses of gender, international migration and development, and deep dive into the ongoing ‘care crisis’ caused by declining fertility rates and increasing aging societies. For those interested in participating, the conference is open to all public on November 17th.
CTMS Brief | Fathers call it balance, mothers call it added work
Did remote work affect equally mothers and fathers? A survey showed that in Korea telecommuting for fathers improved their work-life balance; on the other hand, for mothers, remote working increased daily workload. This brief dives into the consequences of remote work for Korean parents. 
▷ Follow the data
CTMS Expertise | Women's Economic Empowerment
CTMS Director Ki-soo Eun was one of the presenters and panelists at the 2022 Korea Gender Equality Forum (KGEF) where he discussed the policies adopted in Korea for the prevention of women’s career interruption and  international experiences in work-life balance. 
▷Listen to the presentation
CTMS Data | Journal of Aging & Social Policy
Utilizing CTMS' 2018 Qualitative Interviews of Unpaid and Paid Care Workers on Eldercare and Childcare, researcher Alexa Carson explores the relationship between South Korea’s National Long-term Care Insurance policies and experiences of family caregiving for older people. Published by the Journal of Aging & Social Policy, 2022.
▷ Read the article
Roundtable Talks | Does youth care?
Marriage, childbirth and care...while these topics affects Korean society as a whole, it especially burdens Korean youth. Whilst actively listening the voices of young people, this roundtable explored whether these issues are real problems for the young generation or are the problems defined by the older generation? Follow this issue at the 2022 International Care Conference on 11/17. Don't miss it!
▷ Let the youth speak
We invite you to our monthly seminars
This year, CTMS invites you to our monthly online seminar series on Migration and Integration and on Creating an Inclusive Society. We bring together academics, civil society representatives & field experts to discuss the most pressing migration issues South Korea and to gain perspectives and insights towards achieving sustainable, inclusive development. Please register today and join us to share your own insights and experiences. 
Copyright © 2021 Center for Transnational Migration and Social Inclusion, All rights reserved.

Seoul National University Graduate School of International Studies
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