

초국적 '가족하기' (doing family)의 주체로서 결혼이주여성의 실천2024문현아, 은기수, 허오영숙인용: 문현아, 은기수, 허오영숙. (2024). 초국적 '가족하기' (doing family)의 주체로서 결혼이주여성의 실천. 여성학연구, 34(1), 35-64. DOI: 언어: 한국어 발행기관: 부산대학교 여성연구소발행일: 2024. 04.초록 결혼이주여성은 한국 내 ‘가족’을 이루는 중요한 일원이지만, 개인으로서 존재하는 맥락은 충분히 조망되지 않고 있다. 기존연구는 개인이 한국으로 이주해서 다문화가족이 되기 이전의 가족과 맺었던 원가족에 대한 관계나 다문화가족이 되면서 원가족과 한국의 가족이 어떻게 연결되고 새롭게 형성되어가는지를 초국적 가족관계 맺기로 접근하지 않았다. 이 연구는 가족, 특히 이주여성들이 과거와 현재를 통해 형성하고 있는 ‘초국적’ 가족이라는 특징에 초점을 맞추어 이주와 가족의 연계망을 보다 입체적으로 접근하려고 한다. 이를 위해 이주여성의 초국적 가족의 실천을 가족에 대한 동사형 개념을 통해 접근해, 변화하는 가족의 특징을 분석한다. 이주여성의 ‘가족하기’는 초국적 이주를 통해 어떤 특징을 지니며, 어떤 가능성으로 이어질 수 있는지 라는 문제의식을 바탕으로 첫째, 이주여성의 가족이 국경을 넘나드는 초국적 특성을 지닌다는 점을 강조한다. 둘째, 초국적 가족의 실천을 제약하는 출입국 정책의 한계와 이를 극복하는 이주여성의 실천을 강조하며 ‘가족하기’의 역동성을 분석한다. 덧붙여 가족에 국한되지 않는 돌봄의 현실을 포착해 이주여성들이 실천하는 가족 너머의 새로운 공동체적 가능성도 모색한다. 주제어: 돌봄, 이주, 국적, 초국적 가족, 다문화, 결혼이주여성논문 보러가기 
Journal Articles
코로나 19 시기 재택근무가 남녀 취업자의 일-가족 양립에 미친 영향2022전지원, 차승은, 은기수인용: 전지원, 차승은, 은기수. (2022). 코로나 19 시기 재택근무가 남녀 취업자의 일-가족 양립에 미친 영향. 한국인구학, 45(3), 27-50, 10.31693/KJPS.2022. 10.31693/KJPS.2022.언어: 한국어 발행기관: 한국인구학회발행일: 2022. 09.초록 본 연구는 코로나 19로 인한 사회적 거리두기 기간 동안 재택근무가 어린 자녀를 둔 남성과 여성의 일-가족 양립에 어떠한 영향을 미쳤는가를 분석했다. 이를 위해 2021년 전국 만 0-12세 자녀를 둔 남녀를 대상으로 설문조사를 실시, 코로나 19 상황에서의 아동돌봄에 대한 자세한 데이터를 활용하였다. 설문 응답자 중 기혼 맞벌이 가구 응답자만 추출하여, 재택근무 여부, 재택근무 기간, 주돌봄자 여부, 자녀의 연령, 가구 경제 상황 등 여러 변수를 고려하여 재택근무가 일-가족 갈등 완화에 기여했는지, 그리고 재택근무의 일-가족 양립에 대한 긍정적 혹은 부정적 효과가 성별과 관계없이 동일하게 나타났는지 분석하였다. 연구 결과, 남성의 경우 재택근무와 일-가족 양립 간 긍정적인 관계가 발견되었으며, 여성의 경우에는 통계적으로 유의한 결과가 나타나지 않았다. 이는 향후 재택근무 등 유연한 근무형태가 일-가족 양립에 기여하기 위해서는 근무형태 자체뿐 아니라 돌봄 부담과 기대에 대한 적절한 배분이 병행되어야 함을 시사한다.논문 보러가기
Journal Articles
2023Hyuna Moon, Minja Kim Choe Citation: Hyuna Moon, Minja Kim Choe. (2023). Korean Family Law Revisited: Focusing on the Revisions Related to Gender Equality. Korea Journal, 63(4): 111-136. doi:10.25024/kj.2023.63.4.111Language: EnglishJournal: Korea Journal Publication Date: 2023. 06. 19Keywords: family law, hojuje, son-preference, low fertility, gender equality Abstract: This article aims to analyze significant changes in family law and their relationship to gender equality, which has emerged as one of several factors contributing to low fertility in Korea from a socio-legal perspective. Fertility changes in Korea can be categorized into two distinct periods. The first period, spanning from 1960 to the late-1990s, saw a rapid decline in the fertility rate from approximately six children per woman to slightly below the replacement level. The second period began around the early 2000s, and is characterized by a further decline in the fertility rate to an extremely low level that continues until recent times. During the first phase of low fertility, several revisions were made to the family law, including major revisions related to hojuje, along with subsequent changes. This paper analyzes the implications of some of these family law revisions, specifically, examining provisions related to son preference and gender discrimination in inheritance and the parent-child relationship in family law and their impact on fertility. Through this analysis, this study aims to establish a connection between the revisions of family law and changes in fertility, ultimately shedding light on the complex relationship between law and society in modern Korea.
Journal Articles
This survey contains data related to COVID-19 and Korea's childcare survey. Due to social distancing during the heist of COVID-19, the burden of care for each family has increased significantly. In particular, due to the closure of care institutions such as kindergartens and schools, parents with young children suffered a lot. The Center for Transnational Migration and Social Inclusion and Gallup Korea surveyed 1200 married men and women with children 0-12 years old to find about the impact of COVID-19 on care at home. In March 2021, we conducted a second survey that expanded the number of samples to 2016 parents nationwide and added questions about their experiences over the past year. Through this survey, we collected a wide range of information on whether to work from home, experience in caring for children during telecommuting, and who mainly cared for their children and were in charge of housework during social distancing due to COVID-19. Based on the results of these surveys, we are conducting research to see how gender inequality in care, which existed in Korean society, intensifies in emergency situations such as COVID-19, how government policies such as family care leave and emergency care were accepted and what are the problems. The Center for Transnational Migration and Social Inclusion plans to provide practical solutions based on such empirical data to continue to seek alternatives to what measures should be taken if situations such as COVID-19 continue in the future.
2021 Man-Yee Kan, Muzhi Zhou, Daniela Veronica Negraia, Kamila Kolpashnikova, Ekaterina Hertog, Shohel Yoda & Jiweon JunTitle: How do Older Adults Spend Their Time? Gender Gaps and Educational Gradients in Time Use in East Asian and Western Countries ( EnglishPublishing Date: July 2021(Accepted)Abstract: This study is the first to document how older adults in East Asian and Western societies spend their time, across four key dimensions of daily life, by respondent's gender and education level. To do this, we undertook a pioneering effort and harmonized cross-sectional time-use data from East Asian countries (China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan) with data from Multinational Time Use Study (Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Italy, The Netherlands, Norway, Spain, United Kingdom, United States; to which we refer as Western countries), collected between 2000 and 2015.  Findings from bivariate and multivariate models suggest that the daily time budgets of East Asian older adults are different from their counterparts in most Western countries. Specifically, gender gaps in domestic work, leisure, and sleep time were larger in East Asian contexts, than in Western countries. Gender gaps in paid work were larger in China compared to all other regions. Higher levels were associated with less paid work, more leisure, and less sleep time in East Asian countries, while in Western countries they were associated with more paid work, less domestic work, and less sleep. Interestingly, Italy and Spain, two Southern European welfare regimes, shared more similarities with East Asian countries than with other Western countries. We Interpret and discuss the implications of these findings for population aging research and welfare policies. 
Journal Articles
초국적 '가족하기' (doing family)의 주체로서 결혼이주여성의 실천2024문현아, 은기수, 허오영숙인용: 문현아, 은기수, 허오영숙. (2024). 초국적 '가족하기' (doing family)의 주체로서 결혼이주여성의 실천. 여성학연구, 34(1), 35-64. DOI: 언어: 한국어 발행기관: 부산대학교 여성연구소발행일: 2024. 04.초록 결혼이주여성은 한국 내 ‘가족’을 이루는 중요한 일원이지만, 개인으로서 존재하는 맥락은 충분히 조망되지 않고 있다. 기존연구는 개인이 한국으로 이주해서 다문화가족이 되기 이전의 가족과 맺었던 원가족에 대한 관계나 다문화가족이 되면서 원가족과 한국의 가족이 어떻게 연결되고 새롭게 형성되어가는지를 초국적 가족관계 맺기로 접근하지 않았다. 이 연구는 가족, 특히 이주여성들이 과거와 현재를 통해 형성하고 있는 ‘초국적’ 가족이라는 특징에 초점을 맞추어 이주와 가족의 연계망을 보다 입체적으로 접근하려고 한다. 이를 위해 이주여성의 초국적 가족의 실천을 가족에 대한 동사형 개념을 통해 접근해, 변화하는 가족의 특징을 분석한다. 이주여성의 ‘가족하기’는 초국적 이주를 통해 어떤 특징을 지니며, 어떤 가능성으로 이어질 수 있는지 라는 문제의식을 바탕으로 첫째, 이주여성의 가족이 국경을 넘나드는 초국적 특성을 지닌다는 점을 강조한다. 둘째, 초국적 가족의 실천을 제약하는 출입국 정책의 한계와 이를 극복하는 이주여성의 실천을 강조하며 ‘가족하기’의 역동성을 분석한다. 덧붙여 가족에 국한되지 않는 돌봄의 현실을 포착해 이주여성들이 실천하는 가족 너머의 새로운 공동체적 가능성도 모색한다. 주제어: 돌봄, 이주, 국적, 초국적 가족, 다문화, 결혼이주여성논문 보러가기 
Journal Articles
코로나 19 시기 재택근무가 남녀 취업자의 일-가족 양립에 미친 영향2022전지원, 차승은, 은기수인용: 전지원, 차승은, 은기수. (2022). 코로나 19 시기 재택근무가 남녀 취업자의 일-가족 양립에 미친 영향. 한국인구학, 45(3), 27-50, 10.31693/KJPS.2022. 10.31693/KJPS.2022.언어: 한국어 발행기관: 한국인구학회발행일: 2022. 09.초록 본 연구는 코로나 19로 인한 사회적 거리두기 기간 동안 재택근무가 어린 자녀를 둔 남성과 여성의 일-가족 양립에 어떠한 영향을 미쳤는가를 분석했다. 이를 위해 2021년 전국 만 0-12세 자녀를 둔 남녀를 대상으로 설문조사를 실시, 코로나 19 상황에서의 아동돌봄에 대한 자세한 데이터를 활용하였다. 설문 응답자 중 기혼 맞벌이 가구 응답자만 추출하여, 재택근무 여부, 재택근무 기간, 주돌봄자 여부, 자녀의 연령, 가구 경제 상황 등 여러 변수를 고려하여 재택근무가 일-가족 갈등 완화에 기여했는지, 그리고 재택근무의 일-가족 양립에 대한 긍정적 혹은 부정적 효과가 성별과 관계없이 동일하게 나타났는지 분석하였다. 연구 결과, 남성의 경우 재택근무와 일-가족 양립 간 긍정적인 관계가 발견되었으며, 여성의 경우에는 통계적으로 유의한 결과가 나타나지 않았다. 이는 향후 재택근무 등 유연한 근무형태가 일-가족 양립에 기여하기 위해서는 근무형태 자체뿐 아니라 돌봄 부담과 기대에 대한 적절한 배분이 병행되어야 함을 시사한다.논문 보러가기
Journal Articles
2023Hyuna Moon, Minja Kim Choe Citation: Hyuna Moon, Minja Kim Choe. (2023). Korean Family Law Revisited: Focusing on the Revisions Related to Gender Equality. Korea Journal, 63(4): 111-136. doi:10.25024/kj.2023.63.4.111Language: EnglishJournal: Korea Journal Publication Date: 2023. 06. 19Keywords: family law, hojuje, son-preference, low fertility, gender equality Abstract: This article aims to analyze significant changes in family law and their relationship to gender equality, which has emerged as one of several factors contributing to low fertility in Korea from a socio-legal perspective. Fertility changes in Korea can be categorized into two distinct periods. The first period, spanning from 1960 to the late-1990s, saw a rapid decline in the fertility rate from approximately six children per woman to slightly below the replacement level. The second period began around the early 2000s, and is characterized by a further decline in the fertility rate to an extremely low level that continues until recent times. During the first phase of low fertility, several revisions were made to the family law, including major revisions related to hojuje, along with subsequent changes. This paper analyzes the implications of some of these family law revisions, specifically, examining provisions related to son preference and gender discrimination in inheritance and the parent-child relationship in family law and their impact on fertility. Through this analysis, this study aims to establish a connection between the revisions of family law and changes in fertility, ultimately shedding light on the complex relationship between law and society in modern Korea.
Journal Articles
This survey contains data related to COVID-19 and Korea's childcare survey. Due to social distancing during the heist of COVID-19, the burden of care for each family has increased significantly. In particular, due to the closure of care institutions such as kindergartens and schools, parents with young children suffered a lot. The Center for Transnational Migration and Social Inclusion and Gallup Korea surveyed 1200 married men and women with children 0-12 years old to find about the impact of COVID-19 on care at home. In March 2021, we conducted a second survey that expanded the number of samples to 2016 parents nationwide and added questions about their experiences over the past year. Through this survey, we collected a wide range of information on whether to work from home, experience in caring for children during telecommuting, and who mainly cared for their children and were in charge of housework during social distancing due to COVID-19. Based on the results of these surveys, we are conducting research to see how gender inequality in care, which existed in Korean society, intensifies in emergency situations such as COVID-19, how government policies such as family care leave and emergency care were accepted and what are the problems. The Center for Transnational Migration and Social Inclusion plans to provide practical solutions based on such empirical data to continue to seek alternatives to what measures should be taken if situations such as COVID-19 continue in the future.
2021 Man-Yee Kan, Muzhi Zhou, Daniela Veronica Negraia, Kamila Kolpashnikova, Ekaterina Hertog, Shohel Yoda & Jiweon JunTitle: How do Older Adults Spend Their Time? Gender Gaps and Educational Gradients in Time Use in East Asian and Western Countries ( EnglishPublishing Date: July 2021(Accepted)Abstract: This study is the first to document how older adults in East Asian and Western societies spend their time, across four key dimensions of daily life, by respondent's gender and education level. To do this, we undertook a pioneering effort and harmonized cross-sectional time-use data from East Asian countries (China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan) with data from Multinational Time Use Study (Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Italy, The Netherlands, Norway, Spain, United Kingdom, United States; to which we refer as Western countries), collected between 2000 and 2015.  Findings from bivariate and multivariate models suggest that the daily time budgets of East Asian older adults are different from their counterparts in most Western countries. Specifically, gender gaps in domestic work, leisure, and sleep time were larger in East Asian contexts, than in Western countries. Gender gaps in paid work were larger in China compared to all other regions. Higher levels were associated with less paid work, more leisure, and less sleep time in East Asian countries, while in Western countries they were associated with more paid work, less domestic work, and less sleep. Interestingly, Italy and Spain, two Southern European welfare regimes, shared more similarities with East Asian countries than with other Western countries. We Interpret and discuss the implications of these findings for population aging research and welfare policies. 
Journal Articles