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Seminar | The Labor Market Structure and Foreign Labourforce in the Care Service Industry (Register by 10/17)

2023 CTMS <Seminar Series Digital Technology and Care Work>

Bringing together experts to explore sustainable and inclusive system of migrant care workers that values care work and human rights,
to effectively address the crucial issue of migrant care worker implementation policy that is currently being considered by the Korean government.
We invite you to join us and share your valuable insights and experiences.

Care and Transnational Migration | The Labor Market Structure
and Foreign Labourforce in the Care Service Industry
Register Today (~10/17): https://forms.gle/zCrCfJNKc1Y4PSVm7 

Date/Time2023. 10. 19. (Thurs) 14:00 - 15:30 (KST)
Place Online Zoom
SpeakerKyu-Yong Lee (Director of Employment Policy Research Division, Korea Labor Institute)
ModeratorKi-Soo Eun (Director of Center for Transnational Migration and Social Inclusion, Seoul National University)
HostCenter for Transnational Migration and Social Inclusion (CTMS)
OrganizerInstitute of International Affairs of Seoul National University
SponsorsSeoul National University Graduate School of International Studies, Open Society Foundations

2023-09-26 03:11