CTMS Brief
CTMS Brief
CTMS Brief
코로나19 시대의 자녀돌봄과 부모의 정신건강 위기2021Eunhye Kang, Nayoung YoonCitation: Center for Transnational Migration and Social Inclusion (2021). Childcare during Covid-19 and Mental Health Crisis for Parents 코로나19 시대의 자녀돌봄과 부모의 정신건강 위기). Issue Brief Series on Impact of Covid-19 on Care.Language KoreanPublication Date 2021. 022021.05.21
코로나19와 한국의 이주민: 한국 NGO의 코로나19 피해 이주민 지원 사업2020Jaein Seol, Hye Jung KimCitation: Women Migrants Human Rights Center of Korea & Center for Transnational Migration and Social Inclusion (2020). A Korean NGO’s Project to Support Victims of COVID-19 among Migrants (한국 NGO의 코로나19 피해 이주민 지원 사업). Issue Brief Series on South Korea’s Covid-19 Response and Migrants.Language KoreanPublication Date 2020. 122021.05.21
코로나19와 한국의 이주민: 코로나19 지원 정책 및 현황2020Jaein Seol, Young Sook HeoCitation: Women Migrants Human Rights Center of Korea & Center for Transnational Migration and Social Inclusion (2020). South Korea’s Policy Responses to COVID-19 (코로나19 지원 정책 및 현황). Issue Brief Series on South Korea’s Covid-19 Response and Migrants.Language KoreanPublication Date 2020. 10.2021.05.21