Spotlight: Private Sector’s Efforts Against Low Fertility And Rapid Aging Rates

Spotlight: Private Sector’s Efforts Against Low Fertility And Rapid Aging Rates

/소식/뉴스레터/Spotlight: Private Sector’s Efforts Against Low Fertility And Rapid Aging Rates
Spotlight: Low Fertility and Rapid Aging Rates
Are Threatening Korea's Security
On April 26, POSCO held a National Strategy Seminar to counter the low birth rate and aging population together with the Korea Economic Research Institute, Hanmi Global, Seoul National University and SK Telecom. The seminar focused on analyzing Korea’s current status of low fertility and aging and discussing cooperative measures between the public and private sectors, as well as academia to come up with strategies and innovative solutions to address these issues.

Former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called for the improvement of work-family balance and gender equality policies as pre-conditions for family-decision making. CTMS’s Director Eun Ki-soo delivered a lecture on corporate-level efforts to overcome low birth rates and highlighted POSCO's company measures such as the introduction of childbirth and childcare support systems, and low birth rate and aging policies.

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