2018 한국의 노인 및 아동 돌봄 설문조사 [Methodology and Survey Instruments in Fieldwork for Paid and Unpaid Care Work in Korea]
Ki-Soo Eun, Jiweon Jun, EunHye Kang
Citation Eun, K., & Jun, J. (2018, October). Methodology and Survey Instruments in Fieldwork for Paid and Unpaid Care Work in Korea. Paper presented at the 1st Care Work and the Economy Project Annual Meeting, Berlin, Germany.
Language English
Institution: Care Work and the Economy Project
Publication Date 2018. 10. 22
2018 한국의 노인 및 아동 돌봄 설문조사 [Methodology and Survey Instruments in Fieldwork for Paid and Unpaid Care Work in Korea]
Ki-Soo Eun, Jiweon Jun, EunHye Kang
Citation Eun, K., & Jun, J. (2018, October). Methodology and Survey Instruments in Fieldwork for Paid and Unpaid Care Work in Korea. Paper presented at the 1st Care Work and the Economy Project Annual Meeting, Berlin, Germany.
Language English
Institution: Care Work and the Economy Project
Publication Date 2018. 10. 22