돌봄제공자를 위한 생활시간일지 조사 방법 개발 [Development of the Caregiver-Focused Time Use Diary in Korea]
은기수, 전지원, 강은혜
인용: Eun, K., Jun, J., & Kang, E. (2018, October). Development of the Caregiver-Focused Time Use Diary in South Korea. Paper presented at the 40th International Association for Time Use Research Conference, Budapest, Hungary.
언어: 영어
학회: International Association for Time Use Research [국제생활시간연구협회]
발행일: 2018. 10. 24
돌봄제공자를 위한 생활시간일지 조사 방법 개발 [Development of the Caregiver-Focused Time Use Diary in Korea]
은기수, 전지원, 강은혜
인용: Eun, K., Jun, J., & Kang, E. (2018, October). Development of the Caregiver-Focused Time Use Diary in South Korea. Paper presented at the 40th International Association for Time Use Research Conference, Budapest, Hungary.
언어: 영어
학회: International Association for Time Use Research [국제생활시간연구협회]
발행일: 2018. 10. 24