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Seminar | Gender in higher education in Asia: Vertical progress, horizontal segregation, and leaky pipelines (Register by 10/28)

2024 CTMS Seminar Series | Creating an Inclusive Society

This year, CTMS hosts the Creating an Inclusive Society Seminar Series, bringing together academics, civil society representatives & field experts to gain perspectives and insights
to achieve sustainable, inclusive development, most critically in the areas of care work, gender equality, and migrant workers.

Gender in higher education in Asia: Vertical progress, horizontal segregation, and leaky pipelines
Register Today (~10/28): https://forms.gle/dWV3qv7HUNrGo3Pt9

Date/Time2024. 10. 30. (Wed) 9:30 - 11:00 (KST)
Place Online Zoom
SpeakerElizabeth M. King (Nonresident Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution, US; Visiting Professor, University of the Philippines School of Economics, Philippines)
ModeratorJiweon JUN (Senior Research Fellow at Center for Transnational Migration and Social Inclusion )
Center for Transnational Migration and Social Inclusion (CTMS)
OrganizerInstitute of International Affairs of Seoul National University
SponsorsSeoul National University Graduate School of International Studies, Open Society Foundations

2024-10-16 18:08